
Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 Art

We are fortunate at BIS HCMC Primary in that we have a specialist Art Teacher, who delivers the skills and understanding necessary for our students to develop a love for Art and artists. This page provides an in-depth understanding of the Art programme from Year 1 to Year 6, and includes an overview of how the curriculum fits together as well as how these units are potentially assessed through our Age Related Expectations (AREs). Year-on-year programmes and continuity of coverage will be observable by accessing the vertical curriculum seen below.

Vertical Curriculum - Art

Art 2024/25 - Vertical Curriculum

Although Art is taught in the Primary School through both the specialist teacher and IPC programme, we take the skills gained through explicit art teaching very seriously, and to prepare teachers for what is needed, the following skills map was developed by our art leaders.

Art Progression document 2020-21.docx