Time Management

Sometimes managing homework, sports, family, and friends can be difficult. Today I'm going to give you some tips and advice on how to manage your time. Prioritizing is key when it comes to time management, often times you have to choose what's most important and needs to be done first and what can wait. While it is important to spend time with family and participate in other activities, it is also imperative to get your school work done. Homework is not given to torture us or to rob us out of our social life, but rather to help give us the education we are so fortunate to receive. It is also setting us up for all aspects of our future. Okay, okay you can wake up now because despite how crazy homework can make us there are some tips and strategies that can make homework almost tolerable. 8th grader Kayla Lias recommends a strategy she uses, “I make a list on a sticky note of all the things I need to do the next day, then the next morning I look over it so I know what I need to get done that day”, she states. This is a very good strategy. It helps you see how much you need to get done which gives you a better idea of how much time you have for other activities. Sometimes cancelling events is not an option, however there is almost always time to get homework done. Some examples are sporting events, if you are watching the event you can always work on it during the game, timeouts, and during halftime. If you are playing in the game you can always work on it before and after. Family events can sometimes be a little more difficult. Often times family events don't involve homework but rather quality time, however as said before you can work on it in the car on the way there and on the way back. If there is no time to work on your homework at home or after school hours, you can always talk to your teachers and go in before and after school, and or at lunch. If you talk to teachers in advance most of the time they are very reasonable and will help you find the time needed to finish your school work. Remember to always put your priorities first and stay on top of your homework. There is always time you just have to find it.