
Today I will be telling you about how to stay organized, and some tips and how other people stay organized. For more information please keep reading.

When it comes organization, many people don't know the best way to do it. So I decided to ask some of the most organized people in the school. Some teachers such as Mrs.Kramer and Ms. Kamphuis both said ¨make a list of stuff to do¨, either by writing a reminder on a sticky note or setting a reminder on your phone. When asking some students they said that they like to make sure that they write all there stuff down and have there binders are organized. I asked some people what the best way to multitask is and they said to make sure that you don’t overload yourself with stuff to do. They said that they don't like to multitask, they like to do one thing at a time that way they can stay organized while working. So people even said that they like to plan a few days ahead or a week a head even such as Mrs. Margos.


    • Make a sticky note
    • Set a reminder on your phone
    • Use dividers for your binders
    • Write down things that need to get done first
    • When you write your know put it somewhere you'll notice it.
    • Have a planner for school, that way you can write your homework down.
    • Whiteboard, put a whiteboard in your locker and write done all your stuff that needs to get done.

By: Kayla