Dear colleagues,

my name is Matea Jarak and I'm Head of Educational Programs in BIOTA Ltd from Zagreb. We are a small Croatian entrepreneurship with big experience in nature protection and conservation.

Last year we started our scientific program for foreign students in National park Krka, Croatia, with our partners from UK, Operation Wallacea. Main goal of this project is to connect scientist and students from all over the world trough terrestrial and fresh water research using cutting edge methods and equipment. Project was a great success last year, so this year our program was booked immediately.

This year we decided to enroll students from ExYu region that are into terrestrial research. We are inviting you to share our Youtube invitation and application form on your's association sites (website, Facebook etc...) and invite your colleagues to apply. We will choose 6 best students and offer them an 1000 euro grant to be a part of our expedition.

Unfortunately, applications are over in only 2 weeks (1st of June), so we urge you to share this information with your colleagues ASAP.


Application form online doc. HERE

We hope you will be interested for this project as it would help students from your association to connect and to learn and also maybe find international connections for future research.

Please share this info with whom you think would be interested.

Kind regards


Would you like to win a 1000€ worth grant for scientific expedition? To learn newest methods in terestrial biology from scientists from all over the world using the cutting-edge equipment? BIOTA j.d.o.o. and Operation Wallacea are calling for 6 young, communicative, keen and ready for outdoor experience students to join us on our summer expedition in Croatia. Want to explore one of the most beautiful places in Croatia, National park Krka, and all it's flying, crawling, running creatures? Do you want to have all of this, FOR FREE? If you answered YES! to all of these questions, fill in a couple more of them, and send this document back to us.


Where: Kistanje, National park Krka

Duration: 1 week

Travel costs: we are insuring 50€ for your trip

Apply until 1st June 2018 on

Period: beggining of July to beggining of August 2018

Groups: Mammals, Fish, Herpetology, Birds, Bats, Cave biodiversity
