Tracking Data

How you track your data is up to you! You could use a pen and paper to collect "ticks" for each variable as you log, or keep a running log in a note on your phone. Another option is using a form to collect your data. If you're interested in using a form, we set up a customizable Google form with some sample questions to get you started. Feel free to add, edit, and delete once you download your template (instructions below).

Sample Data: Link

From your Google Drive, click the "+ New" button at the top left of the screen.

In the dropdown menu, click on the arrow next to "Google Forms" and then click "From a template" in the next dropdown menu.

At the bottom of the page under "Trackers", click on the "Dear Data - Social Media Collection [Template]" form.

A new copy of the template will open up with a copy shared only to you. This is where you can edit the existing questions, get rid of any you don't like, and add some of your own! They can range from practical (how long did you spend, where were you, etc.) to silly (what shoes were you wearing, what device did you check the time on to record this interaction, etc.).

See this page for help with adding and editing form questions.

Once you're happy with your questions, click on "Responses" at the top of the form, and then click the "Link to Sheets" button so that all of your responses will be collected in a Google Sheet.

To get the link of the form to start collecting, click the purple "Send" button at the top right of the screen. A dialogue box will open with different ways to share the form. You can send the form to yourself via email, or if you click on the link button, you can copy the URL for the form.

Think about how you'll best remember to track your interactions. Bookmarking the form in your browser and even keeping a tab open in your browser on your phone will help keep the form handy. You could also set reminders for yourself throughout the day to make sure you're not forgetting to track.