Image & Acoustic Signals Analysis

Research Educators: Umur Ciftci

Stream Collaborators: Drs. Kenneth Chiu, Scott Craver, Lijun Yin, Shiqi Zhang

Second-year Researchers

2. Automatic strike zone detection in baseball - Apenteng, Hannah | Cherisme, Ameil | Deshpande, Samruddhi | Gersten, Scott | Jules, Brianna | Musial, Cody | Wofse, Ethan

8. Black-box adversarial face transformation network - Bhagat, Ram | Birchwood, John | Heller, Julia | Sunderhaft, Alexander 

14. Investigation of racial bias in facial recognition algorithms - Alonzo, Benicio | Arora, Tamanna | Jain, Aryan | Joishar, Vansh | Mazer, Max | Palmer, Sydney

20. Unveiling the digital masquerade: Techniques in deepfake detection & sourcing - Bekhit, Amr | Donaldson, Lela | Ponce, David | Qiu Chu, Anthony | Vassell, Samara

First-year Researchers

1. A GAN-tastic transformation of visual landscapes - Brown, Patrick | Dalla Costa, Phoenix | Damsky, Aaron | Gonzalez, Nicholas | Irvine, Gavin | Striegal, Zachary 

7. Future video frame prediction - Kesler, Joseph | Medina, Joshua | Mora, Enzo | Ogwulumba, Chuma | Pritchet, Jason | Reardon, Gregory 

13. Improving accuracy of AI generated LULC maps - Barakat, Youssef | Isac, Mathew | Jiang, Emily | Kostyukov, Pavel | Lai, Caleb | Vucetaj, Luan | Zeynalova, Leyli

19. Towards creating a comprehensive deepfake dataset - Haridy, Sammy | Lamberg, Jack | Maldonado, Heraclio | Panamdanam, Bejamin | Zheng, Jason | Zhou, Stephanie

25. Using social media to track changes over time - D'Aloisio, Julia | Fan, Christine | Fang, Leo | Jiang, Leon | Loyer, Sofia | Manna, Joseph | Silbert, Walter