
Research Educator: Dr. Jonathan Schmitkons

Stream Collaborators: Drs. Joseph Graney, Thomas Kulp,  Adriane Lam, Molly Paterson, Weixing Zhu

Second-year Researchers

28. Analysis of bacteria in Green Lake versus Round Lake - Bajwa, Rohan | Davidson, Rob | Elias, Angelina | Nguyen, Bianca | Reyes, Jennifer M | Zahavi, Itamar D

38. Bridging past and future: The Miocene as a climate analog for future temperature projections - Bower, John Nicholas | Caccire, Gabriella | Kladias, Sophia | Veigl, Lea

48. Examining effects of road salt runoff on microbial diversity - Carroll, Alexander | Dunn, Aaron | Muneeb, Misha | Turner, Asher | Zariphes, Constantine

58. Examining remediation capabilities of Pleurotus ostreatus - Martinek, Jillian | Ransom, April Rose | Slattery, Patrick | Ward, Kieran Luke | Wu, Janey

68. Quantifying what the naked eye cannot see: composition of Green Lake bioherms - Abraham, Sarah Rachel | Kamkolkar, Eashaan | Masino, Cadence | Muirhead, Preston | Tarpey, James Daniel

78. Using CT-scans to study paleoclimate of the Pleistocene - Crivelli, Danielle | Gandolfo, Nicholas | Li, Andrew | Lleshaj, Liza

First-year Researchers

31. Bacterial effects on whiting events - Clark, Reese Emerson | Delgado, Nicholas | Dunn, Hannah Renee | Gaylord, Rachel | Gurt, Gabriel Steedman | Hines, Margaret | Rosado-Velazquez, Nicholas Joseph

41. Effects of biodiversity on bioherm formation in Green and Round Lakes in Fayetteville, NY - DiDomenico, Angelina Rose | Klahr, Avery Dylan | Lipelis, Amelia | Mattes, Ruby Vicki | Nenchina, Victoria | Reardon, Nicholas Kennedy | Zaharakis, John 

51. Impact of salinity on the heavy metal concentration in wetland plants - Athanas, Samantha Emily | Chen, Simon Chester | Fioretto, Lucian Anthony | Khan, Sameeha | Li, Sophia | Ruoff, Talia 

61. Modeling the future through Southern Atlantic sediments - Arthur-Mensah, Kojo Ezekiel Jadon | Boyce, Ethan | Carter, Savannah Elise | Eichner, Erik | Holla-Wartko, Claire Lorraine | Krik, Alec James 

71. Road salts mobilize heavy metals from vehicles into wetlands - Condemi, Eva Louise | Donohue, Casper | Haufler, Luke | Herrick, Sophia Page | Stone, Dylan | Terchowitz, Ethan