Academic Support

Academic Survival Plan

I heard from many students during the school closure that the amount of work they were getting online felt overwhelming. I know I had to help my own 6th grade daughter at home to learn how to organize all of her work and set realistic goals for herself to survive it all.

I adapted a planning sheet that I use with students in my office who need help getting out from under mountains of incomplete work to an online format. It's a Google spreadsheet with two pages. The first, titled "Assignment List", is the actual working document that you'll use to get organized. The second, titled, "Survival Plan Instructions", explains in a step-by-step way how to use it.

Please email me if you have any questions about how to use it or would like help or support getting yourself organized and setting goals for feel less stress and more success!

Here's the link for you to download the Academic Survival Plan. The file is View Only, so you'll need to first Make a Copy of it from the File menu before you can start working on your own personal copy of it!