General Information

Billings Public Schools will be offering Virtual Learning for students during the 2023-24 school year. This Virtual Learning platform will meet required state accreditation course standards as well as Billings Public Schools minimum graduation requirements. (There are limited course offerings through Virtual Learning for Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and CTE. It is imperative that students and families work with their school counselor in selecting classes that meet graduation requirements.)

Virtual Learning requires a minimum of one semester commitment.  While the virtual learning program allows students to work at their own pace students and families should reasonably expect to work 500-540 hours each semester in the virtual classroom.    

Billings Virtual Learning will have a student mentor that will monitor student attendance and progress throughout the semester/year. In addition, the student mentor will be taking daily attendance at a time designated for each grade level (Elem, MS, and HS).   All attendance policies and school district rules and expectations will be in effect. 

Billings Schools Virtual Learning

Important Dates for 2023-24

May 20th-22nd - 6th-12th grade students taking MTDA Final Exams

May 29th - Grades released to schools for 6th-12th grade students to home schools

May 30th & 31st - Chromebook returns to Lincoln Center (3rd floor) after students have concluded with final exams. 

Billings Schools Virtual Learning

Important Dates for 2024-25

August 19th - 28th  - K-5 Virtual Learning Enrollment into Edmentum

August 19th - 28th - 6th-12th Virtual Learning enrollment into APEX

August  19th - 28th - Chromebook checkout at Lincoln Center (3rd floor)

August 28th - Last day to register for K-5 students in Edmentum

August 28th - Last day to register for 6th-12th students in APEX and Montana Digital Academy courses

**APEX is the primary virtual learning platform.  MTDA will be used for AP, dual credit and specialty courses)**

September 3rd - K-5 classes through Edmentum begin 

**(Classes may begin sooner depending upon a student's registration date)**

September 3rd - APEX and Montana Digital Academy classes begin

January 14th - 16th - 9th-12th grade students taking MTDA courses will complete final exams

January 22nd - 23rd - 9th-12th final exams.  All first semester APEX courses must be completed at the end of the day on January 23rd. 

January 15th - Last day to register for 9th-12th students in Montana Digital Academy (2nd Semester) in AP, dual credit or specialty courses.

January 21st - MTDA courses begin for second semester

January 27th - Second semester classes begin for 6th-12th students in APEX

May 20th -22nd - MTDA final exams  

May 20th-22nd - 6th-12th grade students taking MTDA Final Exams

June 12th & 13th - Final exams.  All APEX courses must be completed by the end of the day on June 13th

June 16th & 17th - Chromebook returns to Lincoln Center (3rd floor)