
This guide explains how to scan using the printers

1. Home Screen Selection

1. Log in to the printer

2. Select 'Scan'

3. Select your department

2. Scanning To Your Documents

1. Select 'Documents'

2. Load the items you want to copy into the top of the printer - facing up, or alternatively - Lift up the scanner unit and place the item face down

2. Change the file name; or, if you don't need to make any changes, click 'start' in the bottom right corner

3. If you do need to make changes, select 'Change Settings'

3. Scanning To Your Email

1. Select 'Scan to My Email'

2. Load the items you want to copy into the top of the printer - facing up, or alternatively - Lift up the scanner unit and place the item face down

2. Change the file name; or, if you don't need to make any changes, click 'start' in the bottom right corner

3. If you do need to make changes, select 'Change Settings'