logging in to google

Please see the guide below for how to log into our Google systems.

Q: Where do I log in?

A: You can log in via the Student Portal, by clicking the Classroom or Drive shortcut respectively.

Q: What is my email address for Google?

A: Your email address is your username + @bidefordcollege.org.

Example: If your username is 20jsmith, your email address is 20jsmith@bidefordcollege.org

Your Google account uses the same email and password as your email address. Once you type in your email address, it will take you to a Microsoft login page, where you will need to enter your email address and email password (see ‘Email' page for more details).

Q: What is my password?

A: It is the same password you use to login to the computers at school. If you have forgotten it, please contact your tutor.

Q: Why does it forward me to Microsoft after I've typed in my email address?

A: This is because we synchronise our passwords with Microsoft, so that you only have to remember one password.