3 BU profs present research in international science symposium

Three Bicol University Tabaco (BUT) faculty members – Prof. Antonino B. Mendoza Jr., Dr. Renan U. Bobiles, and Dr. Plutomeo M. Nieves, presented their research during the 15th International Kuroshio Sciences Symposium in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, from March 24 to 27, 2023.


Held at the College of Marine Sciences National Sun Yat-sen University, researchers and scientists from different academic and research institutions in the Kuroshio region (Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia) came together to share their latest insights and findings on Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s), Marine Ecology & Evolution, and Fishery & Coral its impact on the marine environment. The topics centered on this powerful ocean current that flows through the western North Pacific carries warm water and nutrients that support a diverse range of marine life, also known as the Kuroshio Current. It is also an important driver of climate and weather patterns in the region influencing the life of coastal communities.


Over the course of the four-day symposium, attendees presented their researches on a wide range of topics related to the Kuroshio Current, including its influence in designing transboundary MPA within the Kuroshio triangle, its impact on marine ecosystems, and its effect on weather and climate. One of the sessions is on marine ecology, evolution, and related topics. Dr. Renan U. Bobiles from Bicol University Tabaco, presented his study on “Fishery induced change in Age at maturity of Siganus canaliculatus, which showed that the fish's early maturation can be attributed to high fishing exploitation in the Lagonoy Gulf coastal habitat. Prof. Antonino B. Mendoza Jr. presented his research on the Community structure of herbivore reef fishes as indicators of coral reef resiliency in the session of Fishery Related Science. The highlights of his presentation showed that MPA’s have no impact on reef herbivores’ community structure. Lastly, Dr. Plutomeo M. Nieves retired faculty researcher from Bicol University Tabaco was also invited to the conference together with other pioneer members of the Kuroshio Science Network from Japan, Taiwan, and Philippines shared his study on the socio-economic sensitivity and adaptive capacity of fishers in San Miguel Island, Philippines. This provided valuable insights for government interventions designed to improve fishers' poverty and well-being, reduce fishing pressure, and protect the environment. The cooperation and support of other line agencies and donors outside fisheries are also necessary to spur development. 

By the end of the symposium, a closing ceremony was held, during which the organizers expressed their appreciation to all attendees for their contributions to the event. The organizers emphasized the significance of ongoing collaboration and research in the field of marine science and highlighted the critical role that international symposia, such as the 15th International Kuroshio Sciences Symposium, play in advancing our understanding of marine protected areas (MPAs), marine ecology and evolution, and the impacts of fishery and coral reef activities on the marine environment. The symposium provided a valuable platform for scientists and researchers to showcase their latest research findings, share innovative ideas and insights, engage in productive discussions and debates, and establish new research collaborations. The event also featured numerous workshops, plenary sessions, and poster presentations, providing attendees with a comprehensive overview of the latest developments and trends in the field. Overall, the 15th International Kuroshio Sciences Symposium was a highly successful and beneficial forum for marine scientists and researchers to expand their knowledge, network with colleagues, and promote scientific advancements in marine science. The symposium's emphasis on collaboration and sharing of knowledge and ideas will undoubtedly lead to further breakthroughs and discoveries in this critical field of study. (by Dr. Antonino B. Mendoza Jr. and Prof. Renan A. Bobiles, BUT faculty members)

Prof. Renan Bobiles (left) as session chair during the 2nd session (Marine Ecology, Evolution and related Sciences)

Presentation of Dr. Renan U. Bobiles of his research entitle Fishery induced Change in Age at Maturity of Seagrass Siganids in Lagonoy Gulf

Group picture with the co-participants (Filipino PhD. Student of Kochi University, Japan)

Dr. Plutomeo M. Nieves, Professor Antonino B. Mendoza and Dr. Renan U. Bobiles during the registration at the 15th International Kuroshio Science Symposium