Expanding International Relations: Universitas Kristen Indonesia new BU partner on International Cooperation

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In its continued partnership with international schools, colleges, and universities across the world, Bicol University (BU), through the International Relations Office (IRO), sealed an international cooperation agreement with the Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI), via a virtual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing held on October 10, 2022.

Through this agreement, the universities will keep in touch and expand their relationships based on friendship, cooperative exchange, reciprocity, equality, and mutual aid. Both shall encourage joint efforts through academic and scientific undertakings, as stated in the memorandum, and secure financial resources necessary for future activities and engagement.

By inviting faculty and staff to participate in collaborative research projects, the partnership will achieve its goals of (1) fostering institutional exchange, (2) fostering the exchange of essays, publications, theses, and research-related information, (3) fostering dual degree programs, and (4) fostering student exchange programs.

The virtual ceremonies commenced with welcome remarks from Dr. Amelia A. Dorosan, VP for Academic Affairs (VPAA), followed by messages from University Provosts, BU President Arnulfo M. Mascariñas and UKI Rector Dr. Dhaniswara K. Harjono.

For the brief university profile presentations, Dr. Dimson M. Rivero, BU IRO Director, discussed BU’s profile of excellence while Dr. Asri Purnamasari, UKI International Office Director, presided for UKI’s presentation.

Afterward, the virtual signing took place virtually participated by the signees from the universities: BU President Arnulfo M. Mascariñas; VPAA Dr. Amelia A. Dorosan; IRO Director Dr. Dimson M. Rivero; BU Graduate School Dean Dr. Herbert B. Rosana; College of Business, Economics, and Management Prof. Edgar Barrameda; College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Atty. Alex B. Nepomuceno; UKI Rector Dr. Dhaniswara K. Harjono; and Vice Rector Dr. Ied Veda R. Sitepu. | by Arnold C. Noda, CPRO

Watch the livestream here:
