CBEM’s ‘gives love, donate blood’ generates 10’ blood’ bags 

Out of 40 participants, 10 bags of blood were collected from a donation drive spearheaded by the College of Business, Economics, and Management (CBEM) - College Student Council (CSC) on February 18, 2023.

In celebration of February being love month, the CBEM CSC officers worked with the Department of Health Regional Office V, the Bicol South Luzon Subnational Reference Laboratory, the Bicol University National Service Training Program, and the BUCBEM Red Cross Youth Council to hold a safe blood donation drive themed "Give Love, Donate Blood!"

"The BU-CBEM CSC is in full support of the World Health Organization in emphasizing that extending other people's lives through blood-letting is one of the most fulfilling acts that we can do to save humanity. Let us stand together in helping each other," they wrote on Facebook.

A thorough health screening for the donors was duly conducted by authorized personnel to ensure they met the qualifications needed for the safety of both the donor and the beneficiaries.  

The event was also organized to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation, as it is not only beneficial for those who are in need of blood transfusions but also has numerous benefits for donors, such as reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even cancer. 

Meanwhile, the BU Guinobatan Health Services partnered with the Municipal Health Office of Guinobatan and the BU Guinobatan Red Cross Youth Council, will conduct a Mobile Blood Donation called “DUGO MO, DUGTONG BUHAY KO!” at the BU Guinobatan Auditorium on March 3, 2023. (by Arnold C. Noda, MPS I-CPRO, with reports from Diana Rose L. Marchan, BUCPRO Student Affiliate)

Photos by Diana Rose L. Marchan