Issue 3 October-November 2021 BVMS Website

Run the Distance

By Simon Johnson (Staff writer)

The BVMS cross country team did great this season. This season they gained multiple individual and team medals. The cross country team gained the first-ever 1st place award for BVMS fall sports. In addition, Emily, a girl on the cross country team, broke the school record for the girl’s fastest two-mile run. She broke the record by over 20 seconds. In three cross country meets, the cross country team gained over 5 individual medals and 3 team awards. In all, the cross country team did great.

Haunted Maze

By Mia Sagie (Staff writer)

I was at the school Halloween maze and it was really spooky and fun. Here’s a little about what happened. Let’s start off with the mazes. The mazes were super fun with a bunch of scary jump scares. As you go in you will notice the creepy sounds playing and how dark it is. Let’s go onto the Cotton candy machine. There was a worker for the cotton candy machine and she was really nice and offered me the options there were. The cotton candy was very good and enjoyable to eat. In addition, There was an in-N- out truck. They were very prepared and ready for their orders. The workers gave us the food right away with a cup and chips. It was very good and enjoyable to eat In-N-Out at school. Let’s end with how we continued our nights and what I saw. As I walked around I saw kids making TikTok’s behind the super cool back wall. As I went on the field I saw kids playing pranks, kids making videos, kids gossiping, and kids sitting around. It was super fun and great to see kids in my school have a fun and spooky night.

The True Meaning of Halloween

By Yeonseo Song (Staff writer)

‘Hallow' means ‘saint’ in the English archaic language. The word ‘Halloween’ was made from ‘All Hallows' Day (All Saints' Day) eve. ‘Eve’, which means the evening before, is spelled ‘even’ in Scottish, and it can be abbreviated to e'en or een by dropping v from even. All Hallows' Even → Hallows even → Halloweven → Hallowe’en → Halloween in the United States, but in Canada, it is also referred to as Hallowe'en.

November 1st is a Celtic Caltholic celebration called All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day. All Saints' Day is a day to commemorate all Saints, especially those who do not have a Saint’s day. Halloween is the eve of this All Hallows' Day.

And because it is a day that many people celebrate, Halloween is sometimes mistaken for a holiday, but Halloween is not generally a holiday.


Staff Advisor: Mrs. Taylor

Copy Editors: Cleo Paul, Simon Johnson

Staff Writers: Cooper Esparza, Ella Ettlinger, Adam Geller,

Chloe Gonzalez, Adriana Hakamian, Daniel Kangavari,

Liam Lopez, Xander Matchuk, Issabella Monroe, Eden Romero, Mia Sagie, Eliana Shirazi, Mai Sina, Emma Song, Emily Song


This edition has been written and edited by the students. If there are any errors, please forgive us.

Another One Bites the Dust

By Eliana Shirazi (Staff writer)

Last Thursday, October 28th our 6th-grade football team won yet another game 30-14. We have to thank our star players who yet won us another game.

Football is a simple game that is executed perfectly by all-our players and with the help of our coach. Who made us practice non-stop and training us to be leaders. Leadership is the matter of having people look at you and gain confidence which is what happens when we look at one another. As we enjoy knowing our players’ perspectives, we would like to know what they thought about their favorite parts. Jake, one of our wide reserves, safeties, and running back, told us that his part of the game was when he and his friend got put in as a safety.

We asked our hiker Brendon and he said I enjoyed the fact that we played together as a team. We asked Santi our safety and wide receiver and he said my favorite part was when Rocco threw the ball to me and I caught the ball and got the touchdown. And of course, we had to interview one of our quarterbacks Rocco and he said that his favorite part was when he got 4 touchdowns. Wo do love our players but also love the people who take time out their way to come and watch us so asked Livy what her favorite part of the game was and she said when Tyler caught a 30/40 yard throw. We also asked Jayden what his favorite part of the game was and his highlight was when someone threw a ball into the stands and he caught it. That is all for the highlights of that week's game and how our football player’s favorite parts of the game.

Halloween Costume Contest

By Cooper Esparza (Staff writer)

In the Halloween Costume contest at BVMS, there were 4 categories for costumes, most original, scary, funniest, and best groups. It was so fun and exhilarating, there were so many interesting costumes, for example, anime characters and famous movie killers like Freddy, Chucky, and even Jason Voorhees!

The Costume contest was amazing! There were a huge variety of costumes, like anime characters, game characters, and many more. This was one of my favorite events at Beverly Vista, It was so exciting. The winners were, an inflatable tube man, a Freddy Kruger costume, Flapper girls, and for most original was a character from Coco.

The costume contest took place in the Cafeteria at lunch on Wednesday, if you missed it, there is always next year! The costume contest was probably the most exciting for all the participants. I found this event very interesting to report on.

The contest was very entertaining, it was probably hard to choose who would win because there were so many amazing costumes.


Video Credit: Xander Matcuk


Video Credit: Xander Matcuk