Lessons for You

Lessons are for students to complete.

August-Rumors and Gossip

Don't gossip and spread rumors. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words are written on the heart. Enjoy the lesson!

Hayes 7th-8th-Rumor-Gossip.ppt

September - Diversity and Disabilities


We all have differences but it is imperative that we treat everyone with the same respect that we would want. Please feel free to include family members. Enjoy!

Hayes-Researching Disabilities.pdf

Complete the handout that accompanies this lesson and email it to me. skirkland@bhm.k12.al.us

October-Learning Styles

Hayes-Learnng Styles.pptx

What is your dominate learning style? Do you know? Well let's find out!

Review the powerpoint and then take the quiz:


Upload your results in the google form below:


November-Test Taking Skills


Now that you all know what your learning styles are you have a powerpoint that discusses test taking skills. I am sure that this information will be important to know.

Life is hard but we have a lot to be thankful for. It is easy to be thankful for the good days but it is the hard times are what make us into we are.

"The most powerful weapon against your daily battles is finding the courage to be grateful anyway."


How about if we relax this month and learn something new?

We all talk about buying that house or that car but if you really are going to purchase those things then you really need to have good credit. What is credit you may ask? Watch the video and find out.


Before you buy that car or that house you need a checking account. You all are old enough to cut grass or to baby sit and some of you are ready to apply for a job. Remember you are building credit with your checking account. You will need to go to that same bank to apply for a loan.


Writing Your Resume

Now before you go to your interview you must know how to write a resume. Watch the video so that you can write the resume that will make employers want to call you in for an interview.

Let's Get that Job!

It's time-middle school is over and its time to go to that interview. Watch the interview for the do's and don'ts of getting the job that you want. Anyone can get a job- but everyone cannot get the job that they want. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


You may be busy- but don't forget to relax. I know that I am!