Crisis Room

Grief Sentence Completion
Grief-Write a Goodbye Letter
Grief-What to Say and what to avoid when someone is grieving
Untitled document

Resources for Various Crisis

Grief and Loss

There are five stages of grief and loss. The stages can occur in any order but we all go through these stages when we are grieving.

  1. Denial and Isolation

It is common to refuse to believe that a loved one has died or that someone who should be in your life refuses to be a part of it. There are times when you may want to be alone and away from those that you love. Although you may be in this stage you do not want to spend too much time in isolation. It is not healthy. Where there is life there is hope. Where their is hope there is the ability to improve our lives and to continue to live each day to the fullest.

  1. Bargaining

This is the time when we may want to bargain with God. "God if you would just....then I will...." or perhaps we may say "if only I would have...." or "if he/she would have....then...." We could drive ourselves crazy with the what ifs. We don't know what would have, could have happened. However, we do know what did happen.

  1. Anger

When we finally accept that our loved one has died or that the person who chose to remove themselves from our lives is no longer returning then it is natural that we become angry. The anger may be directed at the deceased individual or it may be directed at the person or people that are attempting to be there for us. It is during this time that we have to be aware of our emotions and ensure that we do not take our frustrations out on our loved ones or take those frustrations out on ourselves.

  1. Acceptance

During this stage we finally accept that they are gone and we have a peace knowing that they are gone and they are not returning. We have accepted that our lived one has passed and that we must continue to live our lives. There are many people that never reach this stage. It may take many years for some.

  1. Depression

During this stage the sadness surrounds us and we are unable to live. We are unable to put one foot in front of the other. It is during this time that we must seek professional help. It is imperative that we take care of our mental health. Please look on the resources pages for resources that our in our community that help us get through the grieving process.

Please refer to the google docs handouts above that your children as well as yourself may find helpful as you grieve the loss of your loved one.