Mrs. S. Kirkland's School Counseling Website

Hello Pacesetters!

We are ending another school year. This school year brought many challenges- but none that we couldn't handle together. I am still here for you. Summer does not mean that you do not have access to me. I will still assist you all with things that are affecting your academics, personal and social lives as well as the career that you would like to pursue. However, just like if we were in my office all things that are said privately are confidential; unless you tell me that you want to hurt yourself; someone is hurting you; or that you want to hurt someone. Remember that it is my job to protect you- foremost. Even if that means protecting you against you. We have always said that we are Pacesetters and we set the pace so this is what we are going to do. This website is designed so that you will still have access to me via email, chat or perhaps a phone call. A new school year is approaching a with a new school year brings new opportunities. It is up to you to decide if you will make the most of it.

Parents/Guardians, naturally I would never leave you out. If you look at the headings there is a page for you as well. If you are need of resources you will find that information on that page. However, if you do not see what you are looking for please feel free to contact me as well. These times are uncharted waters but we will get through them together.

My contact hours are below and you may contact me via google hangouts. Use your district email through google; go to your google drive and click on google hangouts. Enjoy your summer!! If I don't hear from you, I will see you soon!!

Mrs. S. Kirkland;

School Counselor

Phone: 205-259-6805

Phone: 205-231-9813

Hayes K-8 School Counseling Program Mission Statement

The mission of Hayes K-8 school counseling program is to provide all students with equitable access to counseling services which will in turn enable the students with the resources to achievement. Students will be taught skills to enable them to succeed in their career, social/emotional, and academic endeavors. In turn they will be successful responsible citizens who are self-motivated, life-long learners equipped with the ability to positively impact the world.

Hayes K-8 School Counseling Program Vision Statement

The vision of Hayes K-8 school counseling program is that all scholars are active, compassionate, lifelong learners who are equipped to reach their post-secondary goals. Hayes K-8 Scholars are highly educated, responsible citizens who are self- motivated and capable to excel in a global society.

You may contact me using the link below: