Revenue Purpose Statement:


In addition to the bond referendum, the September 8, 2020 ballot will include a question regarding the district's Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) which outlines how the district utilizes Secure an Advanced Vision of Education (SAVE) funds. More commonly referred to as the penny sales tax, SAVE funds are utilized by districts to specifically support school infrastructure and technology needs. If voters approve the RPS in September, Bondurant-Farrar will continue to be able to spend SAVE funds as Iowa law allows for the duration of the penny sales tax.

What is a Revenue Purpose Statement?

A Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) is a ballot measure that describes how school districts can spend penny sales tax (SAVE) funds that the State of Iowa has dedicated to public schools.

Why is it important now?

Bondurant-Farrar's current Revenue Purpose Statement will expire in 2029. The district is seeking voter approval of a new RPS that would extend for the duration of the penny sales tax (SAVE) which is allowed by Iowa law through January 1, 2051.

Will this raise taxes?

No, this will not raise taxes. Approving the Revenue Purpose Statement will allow the district to access future SAVE funds, but it will not change the current sales tax rate. The penny sales tax that funds SAVE will be collected across the state regardless of whether or not this measure is approved. This vote is in regards to how the district utilizes these funds.

What have SAVE funds been used for in the district?

The SAVE revenue has funded many key infrastructure and technology projects in the district, including:

  • Morris Elementary

  • 1:1 Technology Initiatives

  • Annual upkeep of facilities

  • Buses

  • Roof replacement and a new air conditioning unit at the middle school

  • Other building roof repairs

  • HVAC upgrades and updates

  • LED lighting at Anderson Elementary

  • Summer of 2020 Middle School renovations

  • Security Cameras and electronic door access

  • Digital Radios

What does the new Revenue Purpose Statement say?

The RPS specifies the use of funds Bondurant-Farrar will receive from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) Fund, and is intended to be used in the following manner:

  • To provide funds for property tax relief

  • To provide funds for technology infrastructure

  • To provide funds for school safety and security infrastructure

  • To provide funds to build, remodel, reconstruct, repair, improve, or demolish school buildings

  • To provide funds to purchase, lease, or lease-purchase buildings, equipment, or technology and to repair transportation equipment

  • To provide funds to implement energy conservation measures

  • To provide funds for emergency demolition, cleanup, and repairs due to natural disasters

  • To provide funds to establish and maintain public recreational areas and playgrounds

  • To provide funds for the payment of principal and interest or retirement of general obligation bonds issued for school infrastructure purposes and tax revenue bonds

  • To provide funds for other authorized purposes permitted by law

Click here to view the full ballot language.

What if the Revenue Purpose Statement is not approved?

A simple majority (50% +1) is needed for the RPS to pass. If the new RPS is not approved by voters, the district will no longer be able to access future SAVE revenue to fund facilities and technology needs. The district can reattempt a successful passage not less than six months after the previous election.

How can I learn more?

With questions regarding the Revenue Purpose Statement or the vote on September 8, 2020, please contact the Bondurant-Farrar District Office at 515-967-7819.

Additional information can also be found on the Iowa Department of Education's website.

September 8, 2020 - A Special Election will be held to authorize the Bondurant-Farrar Community School District to contract indebtedness and issue bonds to construct, build, furnish and equip a new junior high building to be located on district property north of the current high school. The ballot will also include a question regarding the district's Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) which allows Bondurant-Farrar to continue to use penny sales tax revenue to fund building and technology needs. Polls will be open from 7AM to 8PM.