March 4, 2024

RE: Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

As of Friday, March 1, 2024, the CDC has updated its COVID-19 isolation guidance to reflect

improvements in patient outcomes with existing effective treatments and vaccines.

After testing positive for COVID-19, individuals may go back to normal activities

including school and work when the following are both true for 24 hours:

1. Symptoms are getting better overall and

2. No fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.

Parents should inform their child’s school nurse if their child tests positive for

COVID-19 or other communicable illnesses such as flu, strep, norovirus and RSV.

The CDC has plans to develop infection prevention and control guidance for

schools, which will include information on infection spread and prevention

strategies. This guidance will align with the updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

and other disease-specific guidance and include considerations for children with

special health care needs. We anticipate this guidance being released prior to the

2024-2025 school year.

Thank you,

Lisa Davenport, RN, BSN

Health Services Coordinator

Bethel Public Schools