Bethel Middle School Library Learning Commons

Library Staff:

Mrs. Chamberlain is an avid reader, longtime BPS PTO President, and a Bethel mom with two kids. She has a daughter at BHS and a son in college.  Mrs. Egan is a lifelong reader and an educator for  the past 28 years.  She previously taught social studies and ELA and now is happy to be the BMS LMS. She has a daughter at UConn who went through our wonderful Bethel schools! 

How can the BMS LLC help you?

We provide much more than book checkouts! We are your headquarters for all things chromebook as well. You will receive your chromebook from us, and come to us when your chromebook needs help. We will try to help you fix the issue, and if we can't: we will fill out a technology department help ticket. 

Speaking of book checkouts- let's go over some library policy!

When can I check out a book?

Your ELA teacher will bring you for class checkouts. In addition, you can stop in during morning passing time or Tiger Two to check out a book- just get permission from your Tiger Two teacher first!