Procedural Fluency

What does fluency mean?

How can I explain what fluency means to my child?

Use these three descriptions of fluency. Taking the emphasis off of correctness can help develop the other two very important components.

  1. I can use more than one strategy.

  2. I can pick the best strategy for the numbers I’m working with.

  3. I am correct.

What should my child be fluent in by the end of each year?

What Can I Do to Help?

There are two things important things you can do at home.

  1. Play math games. See below for games (and Math Flips) organized by grade level.

  2. Ask questions. CLICK HERE for the types of questions you should ask.


4th Grade

coming soon...

5th Grade

coming soon....

Foundational Understanding that is Critical

Addition Example

This is an excellent visual that illustrate all of the important understanding that is foundational in building fluency with addition.

Multiplication Example

This is an excellent visual that illustrate all of the important understanding that is foundational in building fluency with multiplication.