Engineering Challenges

Challenge 1: building a tower to hold an egg 

Try to build the tallest tower you can out of things you already have at home.  

After watching the video, please choose 1 of the designs in the video and try out! 

Challenge 2: 

Make Your Own Paper- (Recycling connection for Earth Day)


Build a paper boomerang

Make your own paper 

Watch the video and read the website for more information and direction! 

Build a paper boomerang

Watch the Video and follow the direction to build your own paper boomerang! 

Challenge 3: Build a toy that spin 

Choose one of the three types. 

Follow the directions on the video and then try to build one that falls slow, one that falls faster, and one that falls sideways.  Explain what you had to do  to make those things happen.

make windmill using methods below 

Challenge 4: paper plate/toilet paper roller coaster 

Make a Toilet Paper Roll and Paper Plate Roller Coaster. Try to make a roller coaster that you’d like to ride! Add other materials as you like!

Read the website and get some ideas for building paper roller coaster. 

Paper Plates/Toilet Paper Roll example

Challenge 5: Build a sculpture out of anything at home

Build a sculpture out of anything at home.(toys, recycling, food, playdough, rocks, or paper…)  Include something in your sculpture that sticks out.  See how many things you can balance. 

Ideas:  1- mobile,or   2- wood blocks and beads

Guiding question: What worked?, what was hard?, and what did you discover?