BHS Student-Athlete Code of Conduct

BHS Student-Athlete Code of Conduct

Participation in athletics is both a privilege and a responsibility. The privilege is the opportunity to take part in the athletics program provided by the school, and this privilege may be revoked when the student fails or refuses to comply with the rules. The responsibility is found in representing the school, which involves maintaining academic eligibility, high standards of citizenship at all times, sportsmanship and playing the game to the best of his/her ability. Respect for and compliance with the school’s Student-Athlete Code of Conduct is expected of every student who participates.

Student Athletes will:

Disciplinary Actions: The following actions will be applicable through the entire school year. Ex: A student/athlete who is suspended from a fall sport for his/her first offense will be dismissed from a winter/spring sport for his/her second offense. Student/athletes involved in non-school related, off-campus offenses or other illegal activity will face disciplinary actions at the discretion of the coach and school administration.  At any time administration can choose to remove athletes from sports participation due to disciplinary action.

Sexual Harassment: BHS athletics must follow BUSD policy on dealing with issues of harassment and assault. Those can be found in more detail in section 4.10 and consequences can be found here.

Further important resources including BUSD's action plan to Address Sexual and Gender-based Harassment, "Know your rights" documents, and BHS Student Resource: Step by Step Harassment, Bullying, Discrimination Reporting Document can be found HERE.

Social Media Policy:  Students/athletes are responsible for good behavior on the Internet just as they are in a school building or on the athletic field of competition.  If a student/athlete’s use of the Internet creates a disruption to the school, the Athletic Department and/or the team, the student/athlete will be held responsible and will face consequences as determined by the coaching staff/administration including but not limited to suspension from team activities up to dismissal from team.

Assault/Fighting: Any student/athlete involved in an assault/fight either on campus or off will face disciplinary actions as detailed in the BUSD parent/student handbook here.

Suspension: Any student/athlete who is suspended from school for defiance of authority or any action not mentioned above will face the following disciplinary actions:

Referral: Referrals to and disciplinary actions taken by the deans will be communicated by the deans to coaches. Student-athletes may face disciplinary actions at the discretion of the coach, including suspension from competition.

Berkeley Student Code of Conduct continued

Student athletes represent Berkeley High School both on campus and off-campus. Student athletes at Berkeley High School are expected to demonstrate excellent behavior, sportsmanship, and respect for others while participating in sports activities and as a member of the community.   

As a student athlete at Berkeley High School, I agree to:

Bullying includes severe or pervasive physical or verbal acts or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, that intentionally or aggressively inflict physical hurt or psychological distress on another.  It is often characterized by an imbalance of power, and is often carried out repeatedly.  Bullying often includes comments about race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or disability.

Examples: Name-calling, spreading rumors, excluding others from groups, making threats, hitting, punching, shoving, or other forms of physical violence.

Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature; it can include verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct.  Individuals of all genders can experience sexual harassment.

Examples: Unwelcome sexual advances, sexual comments, gestures, jokes, slurs, name calling, texts or posts on social media, demands for sexual favors, touching, and written or verbal abuse.

How to get help