Girls Freshman Volleyball Head Coach
Timeline: The season starts Monday, August 12, 2024 - this is an URGENT need - email us NOW if you are interested.
Under the general supervision of the Athletic Department (AD and VP of Athletics), the Girls Freshman Volleyball Coach is responsible for coaching the freshman-level team in the 3-level girls volleyball program at BHS. This includes choosing their team which could include cuts, managing team facilities and uniforms, and running and supervising games, practices, and other activities. The season runs from August to the end of October.
The frosh coach is supported by the program head coaches, Kimberlee Rock and Em Huang (, and the Athletic Directors.
Practices are Mon through Thurs and can be 4-5:30pm or 7-9pm (coach choice)
$3,300 stipend is available for ONE person or to be split among co-Coaches
The duties of this position involve a wide variety of responsibilities.
Ensure compliance with the rules, regulations, and expectations of the CIF, NCS, WACC, Berkeley Unified School District, BHS and BHS Athletic Department.
Knowledge of the BHS Athletics handbook (found on our website’s “Policies” page under "Resources" at
Coaches are expected to SET POSITIVE EXAMPLES for their athletes by following rules, using only appropriate language, showing respect to and for officials, and exhibiting good sportsmanship.
Exemplify standards set by the District for student athletes.
Maintain a relationship with athletes based on mutual respect and trust.
Teach and model the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship - model Double Goal Coach principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance
Teach skills, appropriate physical conditioning, individual and team strategies and honorable competition.
Supervise the athletes under his/her charge in their use of all facilities including the locker room before and after practice sessions and games.
Assist in the setting up, taking down, and general maintenance and upkeep of your facilities (gear storage, team rooms, scorers table, goals, caps, balls, etc) - basically, love your facility and keep it top notch.
Responsible for the care, issuing, collection, storage and inventory of all equipment and uniforms used in his/her team.
Maintain an accurate roster of all team members