
As a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), I assisted with creating course material, graded assignments, held regular

office hours, and led several weekly discussion sections of the course. As a summer instructor, I was responsible for all

course activities, including syllabus creation, daily lectures and discussion sections, weekly office hours, and creating

and grading all course assignments.

Ling. 100 - Introduction to Linguistic Science summer 2022

GSI for Prof. Peter Jenks.

Psych. 143/Ling. 146 - Language Acquisition SPRING 2022

Graduate Student Instructor for Prof. Mahesh Srinivasan

Cog. Sci. C140/Ling. C160 - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics SPRING 2021

Graduate Student Instructor for Prof. Keith Johnson

Splash at Berkeley - "Learning to listen: Perceptual learning Fall 2020

and how we get better at understanding accented speech”

I developed this short course as part of "Splash", a program at UC Berkeley that allows local high school students to enroll in courses taught and designed by college students. The goal of this class was to give students an overview of some of the ways that listeners are able to adapt to unfamiliar accents and dialects.

Ling. 100 - Introduction to Linguistic Science summer 2019


Ling. 100 - Introduction to Linguistic Science Fall 2018

GSI for Prof. Peter Jenks.