I teach the Negotiation class to full-time MBA students at Berkeley Haas, and occasionally in Executive Education.  

Fall 2023: I received an average grade as an instructor of 7.0/7 (132 students enrolled). I won the school-wide teaching award!! 

*Winner of the Cheit Award for Excellence in Teaching* — 2024

Fall 2022: I received an average grade as an instructor of 6.8/7 (114 students enrolled). I was a runner-up for the school-wide teaching award. 

Fall 2021: I received an average grade as an instructor of 6.7/7 (114 students enrolled). I was a runner-up for the school-wide teaching award. 

With the school-wide teaching award, the Cheit Award, 2024

At the Rockefeller University, NYC,  "Managing Science & Scienstists Workshop", July 2023, Credit © Kris Gulati

At Berkeley Haas, Fall 2023

From the student-to-student anonymous comments: 

"If you don't take this course, your tuition fee should be discounted at least for 20%."

Please do not bid for the class if this is you: 

"I got swept up in the course popularity and bid on it when in reality, I don't think I wanted to spend this much time learning about negotiating."