Xinyu wei

weixinyu0820*at* berkeley *dot* edu

Culture, Development, and the Learning Sciences, Math Education


I am a first-year graduate student with a concentration in Learning Sciences and STEM Education at the Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley. As an international student, I received my K-12 education, finished my first two years of undergraduate studies at Southwest University in China, and have been studying at Berkeley since the fall of 2019. Before living in the San Francisco bay area, I secured three patents as an independent inventor who designs an award-winning environmental science learning product to helps kids have hands-on experience in the classroom. I was also a principal investigator granted by the Chinese Ministry of Education through the National College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship program to design culturally grounded STEM education for urban schools to preserve a rich, nearly-lost rural heritage. Beyond that, I set foot into the EdTech business world in 2018 and have multiple teaching experiences in elementary schools both in China and in the U.S.

Research Interests:

I see myself as an emergent researcher-practitioner who is exceedingly passionate about helping next generations to grab their future in their hands by receiving an affordable, equitable, and cultural-embedded STEM education. My purest but wildest dream is to help my younger sisters and brothers of different colors on our shared planet leverage and celebrate their linguistic repertoires, cultural identities, and student agencies, especially in ways that can help them develop economically, socially, and intellectually to tackle worldwide equity barriers in STEM education. I come here to learn how to examine the STEM-based in-class and out-of-class evidence to level up students’ sensemaking activities by viewing humans as a part of the natural world.