CEE-FAR is a self-organized group of students in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at UC Berkeley who have come together to build on historical efforts in the student community and to push for immediate and sustained action to address structural racism in the department. We are comprised of graduate students, undergraduates, and alumni spanning all of CEE’s programs.

Attend our meetings

General Body Meetings

Time: 6 pm to 7:15 pm PST

Location: 412 McLaughlin Hall (ITS Library) and Zoom

Dates: September 21st, October 19th, November 16th (postponed; to be rescheduled)

Details: Food will be provided; join CEE-FAR email list for more information on the agendas

Action Group Meetings

Academic Reform: Wednesday, December 7, 4 to 5 pm at 745 Davis Hall and on Zoom

Department Climate/Recruitment & Retention (DC/RR): Wednesday, November 30, 4 to 5 pm on Zoom

Increasing Awareness: Status pending!

Other Important Mediums

Access the CEE-FAR Google Drive: here

Join the CEE-FAR Discord Server: https://discord.gg/6eWSTqAfcT

CEE-FAR's Callink page: here

Sign for the CEE-FAR Email list to stay updated on the group: