
This page is the ultimate source of authority on all official Blue and Gold trainings, and it will be updated with Zoom links, dates and times, and slides once those become available. For all trainings, members from your student organization can attend either training (and for trainings that require two attendees, they do not need to attend the same one).

Equitable Strategies Training

The purpose of this training will be to provide student organizations with new ideas for how they should expand student access and involvement within their groups by redesigning their application process and promoting equitable practices. Organizations will also be encouraged to seriously consider their roles as catalysts of student development within the Berkeley Engineering community.

Two officers from your organization must attend this training, and we strongly recommend that one of these officers be your organization president.


  • 10/18; 8-9pm; Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center

  • 10/27; 7-8pm; Zoom Link


SVSH Prevention Training

Although students admitted to Cal must complete similar trainings prior to each academic year, we believe that student leaders at Berkeley Engineering should lead their organizations in creating a community of sexual violence and sexual harassment awareness and prevention.

Two officers from your organization must attend this training, however, we strongly recommend that ALL officers attend this training.


  • 9/7; 5:30-6:30 pm; Sibley Auditorium, Bechtel Engineering Center

  • 10/12; 7:30-8:30pm; Zoom Link


Treasurer Training

The purpose of this training will be to educate incoming treasurers on the protocol for making purchase requests, applying for FiComm, and accessing their club’s financial resources. Please watch this training prior at your earliest convenience (no need to log your attendance in any way). Contact with any questions that you have.

Your organization's treasurer should view this training.

Links: Recording and Slides