The Bergen SciChallenge, hosted by the Bergen County Academies, is an annual middle school science fair (grades 5-8) affiliated with the national science fair, the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (previously called Broadcom MASTERS). We encourage projects from lab-based experiments to kitchen counter lab work! Our mission is to encourage today's youth to think inquisitively, develop critical thinking skills, and, most importantly, understand that they have the potential to make the world a better place through their research! 

Students who enter our fair are eligible to share their passion for STEM and also compete for numerous awards. In addition, the top 10% of our fair are eligible to apply to the national science fair.  Please note that only students in grades 6-8 can compete for eligibility in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge, however all students are eligible for our other awards at the Bergen SciChallenge, regardless of grade level. 

The registration fee is $15 and the deadline for registration is May 3, 2025 NO EXCEPTIONS. The fee covers category specific prizes, activities, and t-shirts. Please note: if you are working with a team (teams of 3 or less only), all members must complete the registration and payment individually. CommunityPass will be used for payment but checks can be mailed as well. Please visit the "Payment" tab under the "Register for SciChallenge" dropdown to learn more and complete your payment.