Governor's Mission Statement
Beoly First School is a nurturing, family-focused environment dedicated to personal and academic development. Our primary focus is to ensure that every child in our care has the best possible start in life; staff, governors, families and children work collaboratively to create a stimulating and ambitious environment that fosters a love of learning and allows all children to reach their full potential.
The Governing Board is a group of elected volunteers who form part of school's Leadership and Management.
The remit of the governing board is strategic. Through questioning, critical friendship and support we hold the leadership to account for the school's direction and outcomes.
We have three distinct roles:
1 To hold the headteacher to account for the vision of the school.
2 To ensure financial probity and value for money.
3 To offer support, scrutiny, and challenge to the school leadership in pursuit of improvement and performance.
Chair of Governors is Darren Turner and can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors at

The Governing Body has 3 committees that focus on different aspects of school business:
Teaching and Learning (chair: Emma Pinkney)
Finance and Staffing (chair: Darren Turner)
Premises, Health and Safety (chair: Nick Irons)
The Full Governing Body meets 5 times per year and each committee meets once per term.