Ms. Bella Zuroski

7th Grade English:

For 7th graders, every Wednesday is an independent reading day. The Maple Grove English department values independent reading as a fundamental part of students' English Language Arts education. Students' Wednesday assignment should take them the whole 40 minute duration of their designated English time on Wednesdays. Students should independently read a text of their choice for 20-25 minutes, then spend the remaining 15-20 minutes of their English time completing the accompanying summary and analysis assignment posted in Google Classroom. The announcement and assignment will be posted at 7:00 AM, and is due at 2:30 PM. Students must submit the assignment by 2:30 PM to be counted as present that day. I am available to help students through email and Zoom all day Wednesdays - students just need to reach out to me for help.

B. Zuroski 7th Landing Site

9th/10th Grade English

B. Zuroski 9th/10th Landing Site

English 7 Lab

For days that students have English lab and are remote, here is the daily agenda:

  • Go to our Lab Google Classroom and fill out the 1st 4 questions of the daily check-in form to determine what you should work on for the day.

  • Work on late work, homework, or independent reading.

  • At the end of class, fill out the last question of the daily check-in form to document what you worked on during the period.

  • I will have Zoom up and ready to go for the whole lab period if remote students want help, have questions, or need to chat during lab.