Mrs. Russo

School Counselor

The most unique year in history. I am so proud of how we all worked together to make the best out of very different situations! Bravo. Please enjoy your summer. Everyday: read, move your body, eat healthy, have some fun! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can email me, call me, or stop down.

Take care,

make smart choices!

Be a thinker,

not a stinker!

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

I also conduct short-term mental health counseling 6-12th.

call or Zoom! 716-386-2855 ext. 2316

Short term concerns and issues? Please contact your school counselor.

Long term? There are many local referrals sources including but not limited to:

Chautauqua County Mental Health 716-661-8330

Jamestown Psychiatric, P.C. 716-526-4041

Chautauqua Center 716-484-4334

UPMC at Chautauqua Outpatient Mental Health 716-664-8641