
Sora is one of the platforms to use for ebooks and audio books for McKelvie readers and listeners. 

Please watch the Screencastify Video HERE before accessing Sora for the first time. 

Click HERE for the link to Sora. 

"Sora is really helpful to me because audiobooks and e-books are easier to see and zoom in and out of.  I cannot usually see on normal books so Sora makes it easier for me to see because I am visually impaired." ~GD

"I love Sora because it is a great way to read and listen to books at night.  Especially after a long, tiring sports practice, it has been very helpful and nice to cuddle up and listen to a perfect book.  My mom, my brother, and I all have Sora on our devices at home." ~EP

"Sora helps me stay on task because usually I only read a few pages in ten minutes. I’m supposed to read for thirty minutes a day. For the very first time when I tried Sora, I read today in the library thirty-six pages! Sora helps me because I have a thing called OCD and I have another thing called ADHD. Both of these things don't make me focus at all. Sora helps me focus on what I’m reading!" ~ FS

"When you use Sora, it feels like you are in another world of reading. You just press the play button and relax. I really enjoy Sora." ~ BK

HERE is a letter to parents/caregivers and staff of our McKelvie children informing them of Sora and all of its possibilities.