Bullying Report

The Bullying Reporting Form can be found within the BCPS Code of Student Conduct linked below.

§ 22.1-291.4. of the Code of Virginia requires that school boards implement policies and procedures to address bullying. The BCPS Policy JFD defines the expectations of students and prohibits any form of bullying, cyberbullying, and harassment. Important expectations and definitions from the policy are listed below.

The Bedford County School Board believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment free from bullying and harassment and is committed to promoting mutual respect, tolerance and acceptance. The Bedford County School Board recognizes that a positive and productive educational environment is essential for students to achieve high academic standards.

Therefore, the Bedford County School Board prohibits bullying and such conduct will result in disciplinary action. This prohibition includes the bullying of any person on school property, while participating in educational services, a school function, including bullying through the use of electronic technology. Bedford County School Board further prohibits reprisal, retaliation or false accusation against a target, witness or one with information about an act of bullying.

Bedford County Public Schools students, either acting alone or as part of a group, shall not harass or bully others or demonstrate behaviors that a reasonable person would know to have the effects of:

1. Placing an individual in fear of harm to his or her physical or emotional well- being or damage to his or her property;

2. Creating a hostile, threatening, or humiliating environment due to the repetition of action or due to an imbalance of power;

3. Perpetuating bullying by inciting, soliciting or coercing an individual or group to demean, embarrass, or cause emotional, psychological or physical harm to another;

4. Materially and substantially disrupting the educational process or the orderly operation of school.

Bullying is defined as any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.” (Virginia Code Section 22.1-276.01).

Bullying may take many forms, including the following:

1. Physical Bullying – physical acts of aggression including, but not limited to, hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, or pushing and physical intimidation by gesture;

2. Verbal/Nonverbal Bullying – threats or gestures of physical aggression, name-calling or insults, mocking behaviors, obscene gestures, or graffiti reflecting bullying behavior on school property;

3. Relational Bullying – spreading rumors with intent to harm, intentional exclusion or isolation, or group actions unified toward threatening or humiliating another;

4. Cyberbullying – bullying by use of information and communication technologies that may include, but not be limited to, spreading information or pictures that would be defined as bullying, impersonation of a virtual identity or forwarding information intending to be 52 private. Cyber-bullying would fall under the investigation of school staff when it materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of school; and

5. Sexual Bullying/Harassment – unwanted touching of a sexual nature, obscene gestures or comments made about a person’s sexuality or sexual activity. A culture of openness is considered the most effective means to counter bullying or harassing behavior. Students who believe that they are a target of bullying, observe an act of bullying, or who have reasonable grounds to believe these behaviors are taking place have a responsibility to report incidents to the principal or designee. School staff will investigate reports of bullying and communicate with all appropriate parties after the investigation. This includes the principal notifying the parent of any student involved in an alleged incident of bullying of the status of any investigation within five (5) school days of the allegation of bullying. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child’s principal or the Bedford County Public Schools Safety and Security Office.

The Code of Student Conduct contains a Bullying Reporting Form that may be used to report alleged incidents of bullying.