School Counseling

Mission Statement

The Beaverton School District's Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Program is a data-driven systemic and developmental program that serves as an integral part of the total educational program in every school. The Comprehensive School Counseling Program assists every student in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to become effective students, responsible citizens, productive workers and lifelong learners.  The district’s Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Program is aligned with Oregon’s Framework for School Counseling which includes the professional and ethical standards as set forth by the American School Counselor Association.

The School Counseling Leadership Team, composed of school counselors from all levels will coordinate and articulate the vision, development and implementation of the comprehensive school counseling program.

Counseling Goals

The goal of the Nancy Ryles school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive school counseling program which meets the needs of all students. As a school counselor I adhere to the American School Counseling Association's Model  three domains model of essentials for student success: Academic, Social/Emotional, and Career. Within these domains we at Nancy Ryles strive to teach students self regulation skills and social skills that can promote their potential.

Role of a School Counselor