ASB Mission Statement & Constitution

Mission Statement

As student leaders of Summerwind Trails School, we will work year-round to ensure a student centered community that is inclusive of all students, promotes good sportsmanship, and encourages student involvement in school activities and school spirit!

Constitution of the Associated Student Body

of Summerwind Trails K-8


We, the students of Summerwind Trails, establish this Constitution to provide guidelines for our students, benefit our students, promote good sportsmanship, and encourage student involvement in school activities and school spirit. We, student leaders, work year round to ensure Summerwind Trails School is a student centered community school.

Article 1: Name

  1. The name of this organization shall be the Associated Student Body (ASB) of Summerwind Trails.

  2. The colors of the school will be blue and yellow.

  3. The mascot will be the bear.

Article 2: Purpose

The principle purpose of this organization shall be to direct all its activities within the school district guidelines and to interact and serve within the Summerwind Trails student body.

Article 3: Student Council shall have powers to:

Section A. Help make rules and/or guidelines for the betterment of the school, its life, or its interests. For example:

  • Student Council

  • Social Activities

  • Assemblies

  • Preservation of school and personal property

Section B. Grant charters to clubs and organizations

Section C. Investigate and report on matters referred to it by the student body or faculty

Section D. Approve all student body financing and spending

Section E. The powers of the Council are delegated to it by the principal, who shall have the power to veto any measure adopted by the council, if he/she feels the measure unreasonable or in violation of the California State Code, school policies, or law.

Article 4: Membership

Section A. The student body of Summerwind Trails shall consist of all the students from 6-8 and the members of the faculty of those grades.

Section B. Duties of the ASB Vice President:

  • To fulfill the duties of the president in the president’s absence or in case of resignation or incapacity of the president

  • To be an ex-officio member of all committees

  • To be a representative at all school related functions, in the president’s absence

Section C. Duties of the ASB Secretary:

  • To keep accurate and up-to-date minutes of all regular and special student council and executive meetings.

  • To make copies of the minutes for all members of Student Council and the faculty office

  • To be responsible for all correspondence from student council and the faculty

  • To supply members with the agenda prior to meetings

Article 5: Duties of Student Council Members

Section A. Duties of the ASB president:

  • Preside at all meetings of the ASB

  • Prepare needed information for meeting—any reports to deliver from the previous meeting, background information on any decisions to be presented before the ASB, follow-up on questions posed by any ASB discussion

  • Check with all officers to be certain that they are prepared for the meeting

  • Present ideas to the principal and/or faculty

  • Represent Summerwind Trails School as needed, in assemblies, etc.

  • Maintain a notebook of meeting agendas and information needed

  • Have the casting vote in case of a tie

Section B. Duties of the ASB Vice President:

  • Assist the president as needed

  • Take over as president should the president be unable to fulfill duties

  • Head up all committees—Appoint members, Follow-up—Committee Chairpersons will give reports of their progress to the VP

  • Serve on School Site Council

  • Represent Summerwind Trails School as needed, in assemblies, etc.

Section C. Duties of the ASB Secretary:

  • Take minutes at each meeting, recording everything talked about—who motioned, seconded, and the number of yes and no votes

  • Type out minutes from each meeting, maintaining a notebook of minutes, and give copies to the Office Binder

  • Write any needed letters

  • Serve on School Site Council

  • Represent Summerwind Trails School as needed, in assemblies, etc.

Section D. Duties of the ASB Treasurer:

  • Give a report to the student body of the funds that we have in the student council account—including money earned, deposited, and paid for any ASB events

  • Keep records for all candy sales and/or other money-making events

  • Help sellers count money and lock it up

  • Fill out appropriate forms for any motions approved by the ASB

  • Co-sign all authorizations for expenditures that have been approved by ASB

  • Serve on School Site Council

  • Represent Summerwind Trails School as needed, in assemblies, etc.

Section E. Publicity Director:

  • Plan and coordinate all advertising efforts

  • Organize banner/poster-making committees

  • Take responsibility for all banner/poster-making and clean-up

  • Assist the President when presenting ideas to the principal and/or staff

Section F. Spirit Commissioner:

  • Write/create written and video advertisements and announcements

  • Plan and implement school spirit days and Pep Rallies

  • Keep Custodial staff aware of all event-related needs and requests

  • Assign jobs/committees for ASB Events

Article 6: Student Council Positions

Section A. Major Officers:

  • President (elected)

  • Vice President (elected)

  • Treasurer(s) (elected)

  • Secretary (elected)

  • Publicity Director (elected)

  • Spirit Commissioner (elected)

Section B. A major officer may not hold another position within ASB.

Article 7: Eligibility of Student Council Members

Section A. All student council members must have and maintain a cumulative 3.0 grade point average and they may NOT have 2 “N’s” or any “U’s” in citizenship or work habits, and have not been suspended during the school year.

Section B. Requirements for all student council members during their period of service shall be: Section 1. President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be 7th or 8th graders while holding the office

Section C. A student must have been in attendance no less than 85% of the school year during the year he/she chooses to run for an office. Attendance requirements may be waived for certain specific conditions. Attendance at student council meeting is required. If absent, a substitute should be appointed

Article 8: Jurisdiction over Vacant Offices

Section A. Any officer or member of student council missing three or more meetings without a reasonable and acceptable excuse may be suspended from the council. Due process will be observed as related to student rights and responsibilities.

Section B. Any student who drops below the required GPA shall be suspended from the office or position. Due process will be observed as related to Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Section C. In the event of permanent vacancies in offices:

  • New major officers will be appointed by student council.

  • Intermediate and minor officers will be re-elected by the group they represent.

Article 9: ASB Card

Section A. The cost of the ASB card will be determined by the finance committee, and approved by the School Board

Article 10: Voting

Section A. Each member of student council is allowed one voter for the office/organization he/she represents.

Section B. A person may represent only one organization at student council.

Section C. Any student may attend a student council meeting (with teacher’s permission prior to the meeting) but may not vote unless a member.

Article 11: Meetings

Section A. Executive council will meet prior to every student council meeting to plan the agenda. All persons must request a place on the agenda at that time. Agendas will be given to all members at least two days prior to the meeting.

Section B. All homeroom representatives will hold a meeting before the scheduled student council meeting in order to gather input for the next meeting to report on that meeting.

Article 12: Elections

Section A. All ASB officers shall be for a twelve month period beginning the day of inauguration and the continuing to the next inauguration.

Section B. Any student who wishes to run for an office may do by filing a declaration of candidacy with the ASB Advisor.

Section C. A student may only run for 1 major position(s) each year.

Section D. A primary election shall be held for the purpose of selecting two candidates to run for each office in the general election.

Section E. All students enrolled in Summerwind Trails 6th-8th grades have the right to vote in the ASB officers elections. Elementary students shall not vote.

Section F. Voting for officers will be held on August 19, 2021

Article 13: Amendments to student body constitution

Section A. A petition for an amendment must be signed by one-third of the student body and presented to the council for approval in the form of an amendment. A copy of the petition shall be presented to the Principal.

Section B. The amendment must be posted for one week around campus.

Section C. Homeroom will vote on all amendments. In order to pass, the amendment must carry by a three-fourths majority of the student body and is subject to approval by the Principal.

Signatures of Intended Members/Date Signed

Signature of President of District Board of Directors/Date Signed