SCAAE STAR Grant Strategies

Teacher Scholarship to NAAE

Teacher Scholarship: The scholarship is available to all SCAAE members with at least 1 year of experience.  If awarded, the $1000 is to be used to offset costs related to travel to the current year’s NAAE Conference. Application deadline is June 14th, 2024 and the winner will be announced during the SCAAE Awards Banquet in July. Email applications to

TAGGED to Teach Ag

Agricultural educators identify junior or senior students who are interested in becoming agricultural teachers. TAGGED students are recognized on stage at the SC FFA Convention in June and receive a small gift. The Teach Ag Committee keeps records of TAGGED students and continues to communicate with each cohort to offer support. 

Complete this form to TAG a student!

Teach Ag Workshop

Committee members and representatives of higher education programs host a Teach Ag workshop at the SC FFA Convention in June. All students are welcome to join and learn about the best career ever!

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop

A workshop is planned for the SCAAE Conference in July to address diversity and inclusion in the agriculture classroom. Guest speakers have included author and historian Dr. Antoine Alston and retired professor Dr. Curtis White.

Fill the Bucket

Each year, the SCAAE uses STAR grant funds to purchase and fill 5-gallon buckets with supplies to assist first year teachers with their classroom. These buckets are presented to the new members of the profession at the SCAAE Awards Banquet in July.

3rd Year Recognition

The SCAAE recognizes teachers reaching the three-year anniversary of entering the classroom at the awards banquet during conference each summer. The teachers are also presented with a small gift to commemorate the accomplishment.

Student Teaching Mini-grant

Student Teacher Mini-Grant: Modeled after the Ideas Unlimited Award, this grant is awarded to student teachers submitting a unique or novel idea for the classroom. Up to three grants are awarded yearly.  Email applications to