
World Book Day

On Thursday 03rd March 2020, we held an amazing World Book Day within our Academy.

Our children were invited to dress-up as their favourite character from their most treasured book. Alternatively, children were invited to bring into school with them items/props from their favourite text should they wish to have in lieu of dressing up.

All of our children started the day as an Academy with an assembly to celebrate World Book Day and to see each the costumes or props we were all in possession of across the classes.

Other highlights of the day included our children 'sharing' a story with other classes. The children were paired across classes as follows:

  • Polar & Paddington

  • Winnie & Corduroy

  • Bizzy & Rupert

Another highlight of the day was our 'Stop, Drop and Read'. This was a part of the day that was a surprise to the children, they had to listen carefully for a bell to ring to signal the start of this aspect of the day.

Our children thoroughly enjoyed the day as their favourite characters or sharing with others their favourite texts. It is because of days like World Book Day that we are able to raise the profile of reading across the Academy.

A selection of photos from the day can be found below:

Changes to Home learning

Because children are fully immersing themselves in their new inquiries and so eager to learn more about the world around them, we are giving them more freedom, agency and action with their home learning.

Each term, home learning will be a project which children can work on over a number of weeks. It will be based around the Central Idea they are working on in class and children will be given ideas from which to work on but they can choose what they focus on and how they do it.

At the end of each term, the children will present their home learning to the class in a form they choose (i.e. Google Slides presentation, model, artwork, piece of writing).

If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher at the end of the school day.

This approach to home learning encourages meaningful conversations which is at the heart of our no written feedback and evaluation approach of conferencing.

If you are struggling with any aspect of the homework then please speak with class teachers who will be more than happy to assist you.

Covid-19 Reminders

For the latest information/advice in regard to Covid-19, please refer to the UK Government website linked below: