Career Exploration

Career Planning is not something that should wait until you walk in the front doors of your future high school as a freshman! Use the links and tools below to explore career possibilities and figure out what your interests truly are.

Here are a few to start with in your career exploration..

Career Zone gives you access to different personality, value, and interest assessments, as well as descriptions and videos of many occupations.

O*Net is the official US Department of Labor Website that with information on career development, career assessments, and detailed descriptions of over 800 occupations

Career Ship offers career exploration tools and an interest assessment. Linked to Mapping Your Future.

Career Café offers career development activities and assessments designed to help you develop career plans, explore majors, gain work experience, and search for jobs.

Big Future is a great site to explore different careers and even explore college majors. By seeing what a major entails, planning for high school electives might seem less stressful!

Holland's Code is a way to figure out what type of job you might be interested in. Take the survey, see the results!

The Vista Cards site will allow you to chose your Holland Code in order to discover jobs that are relevant to the interests you've selected.

What about the Armed Forces?

Many students have interests in the military and just as Today's Military website explains, it's important to talk about a big decision like this one. This site will give you information on what it's all about!

Searching for a School

Also, while searching for colleges might seem a distant future, it's never to early to start thinking about what type of college you're interested in. College Board allows you to compare up to three schools at a time, side by side. It compares cost, demographic information, school size, and more! It's definitely worth a look