
All Bullying situations will be intervened on the spot by identifying the behavior, identifying the student and identifying the victim:

1st offense = Verbal Warning· teacher addresses the situation with the bully, victim, and possible bystanders (the student will know what the teacher observed and what they are going to do about it)· The incident will be recorded in the Bully Book*It’s not okay in our school and it’s not okay in our class!!

2nd offense· Teacher addresses the situation with the bully, victim, and possible bystanders· Student will be moved to YELLOW, time from recess will be taken away, and incident will be recorded in the Bully Book· A call will be made home*Note: recess time taken away will be devoted to a ‘teachable moment’ for the student and a time to talk about the incident will a trained Olweus staff member about change in behavior.

3rd offense· Teacher addresses the situation with the bully, victim, and possible bystanders· Student will be moved to RED, time from recess will be taken away, and incident will be recorded in the Bully Book· A call will be made home to schedule a parent conference with teacher to create a plan for improvement.

4th offense = write up· Refer to administration to interview all parties and schedule a parent conference, which will create a plan for improvement outlining the consequences and expected behavioral changes.· Incident will be recorded in Bully Book***Possible consequences may include the loss of privileges to scheduled events throughout the year!