The Importance of Motivation

First, I was asked the question "What is motivation?" I wrote: 'If you have no motivation, there is no reason to live on. Without it, you will not achieve anything therefore no contributing to the society' We learnt about Daniel Pink's motivation theory and the two types of motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is fuelled by internal rewards. People may do things for self-satisfaction or the willingness to master it (or simply get better at it). Extrinsic motivation is the opposite, it is fuelled by external rewards. People may work or do something to receive an award or to avoid getting punished. Pink found out that intrinsic motivation is the most effective. To show my learning about motivation, I wrote a poem to myself, I told myself what I wanted not to hear and to hear. I feel like my very unmotivated before so I found it quite easy to write my poem.

Reference: 'Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us'

By Daniel H. Pink (2011)