My Future

Thoughts and feelings about secondary school

I am incredibly nervous but I am really excited at the same time. I really hope the pressure doesn’t get inside me. For years 7&8 I am most excited for science lessons because I have had a random interest in science for the past 2-3 years and really wanted to deeply learn about the science of the world. In years 9-11 there are courses you can choose, these are the courses I am interested in: A Food Lover’s Guide to Culture and Capturing Sweet Indulgence, which are both cooking courses (Capturing Sweet Indulgence focuses on desserts). I love cooking and I want to have the opportunity to cook more and invent new dishes. Outdoor and Adventurous Education is another course that I am interested in since I have loved rock climbing since Year 2. I also really like water activities and exploring forests, thanks to Outward Bound camp and I would like to improve my physical endurance. The last course I am interested in is Through the Eye of the Lens which is a photography course, my inspiration is perhaps the fact that both my dad and uncle have amazing talent in that area. I fully understand the difficulties, risks and challenges of these courses and I am willing to overcome them. For the final 2 years of secondary school, the IB diploma subjects I am interested in are Psychology SL and Biology SL while the BTEC course I’m interested in is Performing arts. The reason why I would choose biology and psychology is because I want to be a psychologist, psychiatrist or a psychotherapist one day. I also want to take biology since I also want to be a doctor or surgeon too. Last, I want to take the course Performing Arts since I enjoy acting. Sources:

My Hopes and Dreams

I have always asked myself: "What is my dream?", whenever I saw a movie, for example, featuring a policewoman, I would immediately want to be one. From wanting to be a singer to a doctor, I never really had a real dream. I didn't worry about it back then, but for the past year, it has been stuck at the back of my head. I started taking interest in psychology and mental health so I wanted to be a psychologist. It was a stable job, it helped people and I enjoyed the topic. I thought the case was closed and I could relax but something unexpected happened. I love listening to k-pop, especially BTS, since it made me happy, they always talked about how they followed their dreams. They sung and talked about loving yourself, which was one thing that was really important to me. Then the dream of being a pop-star, which I thought I left behind ages ago, popped up again. At first, I thought it was dumb and stupid since I knew that it wasn't a stable job and I would get looked down on. I tried hard to ignore it but I would just keep whispering in my ear. I was so scared. I knew that some people auditioned at entertainment companies and started training at 12 years old. I knew that training was tough and they had to go through extreme diets and they could get kicked out at any moment. I knew that some people debuted in a group when they were 15. I knew that a group could not be successful and waste years and years of training, no matter how talented they were. I knew that once a scandal or a rumour gets out, they can lose hundreds of fans. I knew that the everyday pressure was immense, but I still had the dream. I was worried, it would either be now or never and I knew that I could waste 10+ years of my life and still fail. I didn't know what to do. I knew I was only 10 and it was a young age to some people, but to me it was not a young age. I slowly but surely became more stressed about it, then I realised that the only thing I wanted to do was make people happy. I knew I couldn't make everybody happy.

I want to understand myself, I wish I could understand myself but for now, my only goal is to improve other's lives. Even if its something small, I want to improve other people's lives and make them happy, and that, is all I want to do.