Completion reflection

For this reflection, we have thought about our entire process during exhibition, from the design thinking process to just thinking of a problem. The paragraph below is the results of our entire process so far. Items in the paragraph include what my innovation was, challenges, advice, reflections, etc.

My innovation was a small bench with some toys to attract children around the school. This solved the problem of students being bored and lonely, as it was usually quite sad to see students expressing these emotions during break or any time during school in general. A bunch of people liked this idea, as it impacts 3 of the 5 ways to wellbeing. Those 3 are : Give, Connect, and take notice. While students spend time at the bench, they can connect with other students and give time to others in the process. I tried my best to put myself in the shoes of those students that feel lonely or bored during break, so that I could think of a solution. Reflecting on my idea and its flaws also helped a lot. It helped me realise the problems that were present, and why they were there. Honestly, over this entire process, the skills I have improved over exhibition the most are probably my communication and research skills. I improved these when I went on to multiple trusted sites to research textures, and when I conversed with students and staff about my innovation. As we did exhibition, we also had to use the design thinking process. In my opinion, I think ideate was the hardest part of this. It was hard to think of ideas that were possible and were original. Some advice from me to future year 6's is to always be planned and organised. Having good time management helps too. Keeping neat and on top of things helps a lot during exhibition. To keep my innovation running in the future, I may ask younger students to keep watch at the bench to make sure things are still in order.