Mark's Year 6 Exhibition 2021

Welcome to my home page!

Hi there! Welcome to Mark's Year 6 exhibition! On this website, you will find information and examples of work I have done during exhibition!

My Self-Portrait


Hello there! Welcome to my exhibition website! Here you will find reports, reflections, and feedback related to my exhibition! For example, to the left of this piece of text, there is a self portrait of myself! And right below it is a letter to my future self, with a couple images of the 5 ways to wellbeing. On this website, there are multiple pages suited for each piece of work I've done. The buttons below will take you to those pages. Have fun reading and exploring!

All about me writing and self portrait

For my year 6 exhibition home page, we year 6 students were required to make a self portrait and a short piece of writing. The picture above this text is my self-portrait, and the short piece of text below is my letter to myself writing.

Dear future Mark,

How are you doing? How are you feeling? I hope you're okay. I wonder if the future is super exciting, with flying cars and robotic butlers. Oh well. Anyway, I hope you're still the same old me. I really like your cooking and baking, so I hope that's still the same. I also really like your design and building style, I think it looks unique and special. I wonder if you ever became a doctor and achieved your dreams. I really hope you did. Try your very best and never give up, and never give in.

-Mark Yuen 2021

5 ways to well-being image carousel

Well-Being writing

This next piece of writing is about my ideal Well-being space. It talks about what ideas we have to improve Beacon Hill school's well-being. This piece of writing is written in the form of a newspaper article.

Well-being News

New Beacon Hill school upgrades?

As part of this year’s year 6 exhibition at Beacon Hill school, students were required to think of ideas to improve the students and staff's well-being. Each idea has some sort of connection with the 5 ways to well-being (Keep learning,Give,Be active,Connect and Take notice),whether the connection is large or small. The reason why Beacon Hill school is pushing their students to improve their well-being is because a life without enough well being is like a life without a soul. You can’t live without it. The 5 ways to well-being have a humongous impact on everyone. Which is exactly why the great geniuses of Beacon Hill school (the year 6’s) came up with some amazing ideas to help everyone in the school improve their well-being.

What are these ideas like?

All of these ideas are amazing ideas, but what matters the most is how they function and how they connect to the 5 ways to well-being. For example, the idea of making clubs for areas of student interests is a good idea towards the 5 ways to well-being, because this idea can cover almost all the 5 ways to well-being. If school staff make clubs on sports, then students can be active and take notice. If school staff make a reading club, they can keep learning. Anyway, all of these ideas are great, and are connected to the 5 ways to well-being.

When will these ideas be put in action?

Actually, most of these ideas are being put into action right now. The year 6 students are currently very busy planning, finalising, and organising ideas. Students plan to make things that are out of this world, like a VR room,special rooms and different unique clubs. Of course, all of these ideas have to be possible, which is why the students are constantly going back and forth, deciding on whether the idea was possible or not. All great things need time, which is why the process is taking a while.

When will year 6 be done with these changes?

As of currently, year 6 is trying the hardest they can to push these ideas out. With a budget and certain rules, sometimes it’s difficult to push out their plan. The earliest they can be done with this plan currently unknown, but Beacon Hill school is trying their best. The 3 teachers of year 6 are all working incredibly hard, making sure students have done everything they need to do.

Connection bench advertisement!

Connection bench - Ad.mp4

(New and improved) Advertisement

To promote our exhibition innovation, each year 6 has created an advert on our innovation. We also received feedback on our original advertisement, so that we could improve the ad further. The new and improved ad is the one left to the piece of text, while you can find the older one in the reflection section, under "Advert peer reflection". The button below is a small shortcut to that page.

The Design thinking process

The image above is the design thinking process. These steps are the ones we used to construct our website and innovation structure. All these 5 steps are necessary when thinking of an innovation.