Program Services

Hi-Cap Program Services

This document is intended to communicate the continuum of Hi-Cap program service options available in the Burlington-Edison School District. B-ESD recognizes that each student has a unique set of strengths and needs in their identified area of support. We know plans are most successful when District Hi-Cap Specialists, Classroom Teachers, Administrators, and Parents work together to determine service options that are an appropriate fit to meet each student’s needs. When considering the options noted below in the creation of the Differentiated Learning Plans (DLPs), teams should keep in mind highly capable students often benefit from faster pacing, greater depth and complexity, plus opportunities to interact with their intellectual peers.

Clustering services at each grade level

Where possible and reasonable, students receiving Hi-Cap programming will be “Clustered” in the same classroom. Cluster grouping is a research-based strategy for providing instructional services to highly capable program students. Research indicates that cluster grouping has an effect size of .62 on achievement for elementary students. A Hi-Cap Cluster consists of a group of 3-10 students identified for services through the district Highly Capable Program. Teachers differentiate curriculum and instruction for the Hi-Cap learners in the clustered classroom based on students’ individual strengths and needs. Possible differentiation strategies include but are not limited to flexible grouping practices, pre-assessing learner competence, curriculum compacting, tiered lessons, replacement curriculum, problem-based learning, integrating critical and creative thinking, integrating social-emotional development, utilizing independent project/courses of study...

K-8 Pull-out Sessions and 9-12 Advisory Groups

The intent and purpose of these services is to provide peer-to-peer interaction, development of Social-Emotional skills as relevant to Hi-Cap students, and to enhance critical thinking skills. When possible, pull-out services and enrichment/extension opportunities are aligned with classroom/grade level concepts. Other focus areas are explicit instruction to students about Hi-Cap characteristics/overexcitabilities and direct support in executive functioning strategies and skills.

Differentiated Learning Plans (DLP)

We utilize individual student Differentiated Learning Plans as a method of documenting, ensuring, and monitoring services for identified students.Plans are initiated during the student’s identification year.

  • Plans are to roll-up with student from year to year.

  • K-8 plans are created and maintained by teaching staff.

  • 9-12 plans are a student driven process and product.

  • Utilized to assess the readiness of identified Hi-Cap students in order to better understand the services which best match each learner’s aptitudes, achievements, interests, and motivations.

Whole grade and single subject acceleration

In some cases, Acceleration in an appropriate intervention to meet a student’s intensities. We have a protocol in place which outlines a clear procedure for a comprehensive review process for both single subject and whole grade acceleration for Hi-Cap students. This protocol can be implemented by any stakeholder. We utilize the Iowa Acceleration Scale, for whole grade acceleration and a similar district created form for single subject acceleration.

Enrichment program offerings K-8

During the school year we will offer enrichment opportunities for Hi-Cap students. These may be in the form of before or after school courses, family night activities, and/or field studies. We ensure enrichment opportunities are intentional and aligned with strength areas in addition to interest areas and classroom/grade level concept extension.