Translation Support

-Check out resources on this page to support translation and language needs for your students and families-

Newcomer Support from Michael Sampson (HS MLL)

Tips for helping newcomers the first weeks of school

Google Translate Extension

Google Translate Extension Options.webm

Chromebooks/Chrome Browser: Google Translate

Chromebooks: Google Translate.webm

PearDeck: Accessibility Features for Students

PearDeck: Accessibility Features for Students.webm

Google Transalte: PDFs with Google Extention 👁️‍🗨️

Google Transalte: PDFs with Google Extention.webm

OrbitNotes: 🕮Reading in Spanish👁️‍🗨️

OrbitNotes: 🕮Reading in Spanish👁️‍🗨️.webm

Google Translate Tools

Google Translate Tools.webm

Google Docs and Translations

Google Docs: Translate Tools.webm