Blue Dragon Walk

Sunday September 8th 2024 - or any date that works for your school

Making a Difference Step by Step

Thank you to all the AMAZING schools that supported the Blue Dragon Marathon Walk in 2023

Schools from around the world stepped out and stepped up to help disadvantaged young people in Vietnam break the cycle of poverty. 

Scroll down to learn more or contact us at

Tan explains why the Marathon Walk is so important.

Students from SJII Singapore talk about their walk.

Click for resources to support your planning for - Blue Dragon Marathon Walk 2024 - Sunday Sept 8th

What's it like to be involved?

Caulfield Grammar School (Wheelers Hill Campus)

Melbourne, Australia

SJI International Singapore

"I’m grateful for the joy and company provided by my friends, who were doubtlessly the reason I was able to walk that far..." Gilbert, G11 student

" was motivating that I knew there would be other people from all over the world who are also walking in solidarity with the Blue Dragon children..." Madeliene, G11 student

 "[I was] very grateful to have this opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our current situation to help us develop into even better people in the future..." Elina, G11 student

"...being part of raising awareness and driving conversations [...] is the most worthwhile thing for me - and I hope will bring much needed change..." Pam Newman, teacher

Click here to read more reflections from SJI International

BIS Vietnam

"The Blue Dragon Marathon was a great motivator for exercise, it got me up and moving much more then I normally would, especially in lockdown. Everyone who took part has done an amazing job and raising money for such an important cause, raising nearly 130 million VND across the whole school!"   

Rosie, G12 student

Blue Dragon Marathon Walk 2024

Click for resources to support your planning for - Blue Dragon Marathon Walk 2024 - Sunday Sept 8th.