College Planning

College Advising Corps Sign-Up and Consent Form 

Ms. McNair is available on campus Mondays and Tuesdays, and can meet virtually on other days. Complete the consent form and she'll be happy to meet with you!

Click to schedule a meeting with Ms. McNair

CAC College Advisor Intro -

Visit to take a career interest inventory through This is where you can explore what careers best suit you and what schools offer programs of study that you would like to pursue after high school!

Start Your College Search

§ To start: make lists of your abilities, preferences, and personal qualities. List things you may want to study and do in college.

§ Jumpstart your college planning by reading about majors and careers .

§ Use College Search to find colleges with the right characteristics.

Start Thinking about Financial Aid

§ Talk to your counselor about your college plans and attend college night and financial aid night at your school. Use financial aid calculators to estimate your aid eligibility and college costs .

Athletes:  Now is the time to create an account with NCAA Clearinghouse if you are planning to attend college and participate in a sport.